Ketabi Bourdet

The Ketabi Bourdet gallery, founded by Charlotte Ketabi-Lebard and Paul Bourdet, is divided into two poles: Ketabi Bourdet Contemporary Who continues the activities of Ketabi Projects, namely the promotion and representation of contemporary artists (Inès Longevial, Idir Davaine, Audrey Guttman, Julien Saudubray, Pauline d’Andigné…among others). Ketabi Bourdet Design. Who defends, in line with Paul Bourdet Fine Furniture, furniture from the 1980s/90s (Philippe Starck, Martin Szekely, Jean-Michel Wilmotte, Robert Wilson…) while developing an activity of promoting contemporary designers. 

This association takes place in a context where art and design are considered to be increasingly complementary, bringing together the same museums, critics, journalists and collectors. Both passionate about contemporary art and design, Charlotte Ketabi-Lebard and Paul Bourdet merge their respective specialities, their experience and their individual reputation, defining a program of personal and collective exhibitions of artists and designers, which highlights the creation of their time as whole.